Sunday, December 28, 2008


If you are like me, who watched a lot of broadcast TV when you were young, then you would have probably remembered stuffs like:

  • The Incredible Hulk (not the movie)
  • AirWolf
  • Thunderbirds
  • Planet of the Apes (again, not the movie)
  • Time Tunnel

So there was this very (sexually) awkward Sci-Fi movie/TV show that has been on my mind for the longest time, and I could not find it, until today.

And here is the Google Video link of the ENTIRE 1980 movie =>

Or if you prefer to watch it here, it's embedded down below.

It is indeed still one of the most morally disturbing movie I have watched when I was young. Maybe still is.

Enjoy! (getting brained fucked, that is.)

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