Friday, February 20, 2009

Crazy Jam

When the cyclists is in town, this is what happens:

Stuck on one end, dead on the other.

Further down the road, I saw the traffic police blocked the road and no car could pass. The traffic was backed at least 10KM away.

Ah - the wonders of Malaysian planning.

Monday, February 09, 2009


Couple of weeks ago I took me IELTS as part of my requirement for the Australian PR. We were suppose to be there by 8am, and we were frigging late getting out of the house.

It was an interesting experience to drive your pregnant wife from Kepong to KLCC (20KM drive) within 15 mins. I think we were more relaxed when we drove to the hospital for Isaac's delivery.

Anyway, when we got there (on time too), we saw this.

Holy moly. There were about 180 people taking the exam on the same day. Although there were 2 type of exams going on at the same time, i.e. General and Academic, most of the people there were taking the General exam. The former is for migration and later is for oversea university entry requirements .

Anyway, the result just came out and this is what I got.... Zeng1 zeng1 zeng1 zeng3.

I am actually very surprised with the result, as I could not understand how I would have fucked up my Writing section so badly. I wrote very very long, analytical, structured essays which I was very confident on.

Guess I had to buckle up my writing skills. More blogging, perhaps?

p/s For Australian PR purposes, they use the lowest score in any section. Means my final score is 7.0, not 8. That is just borderline passing mark. Hmm. We'll see how.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Bad Husband

Yes, it was time of the year for me to fuck up again. I forgot my wedding anniversary. Again. Which kinda makes it like every time since we got married.

And to make it worst, she gave me a great present:

Sorry for the crappy pic, but it's a Braun Buffel! My first real manly leather belt. No the pleather stuff that I had been wearing for ages.

I am really sorry dear! I will do better next time!

Very Cool Sun Servers

OK OK, pun intended with the title.

Anyway, we got these 2 loaner units for a customer PoC that we are doing for Hyper-V and System Center Virtual Machine Manager.

This is the first time we have encountered any servers other than Dell, HP and IBM, so we had to take a look inside! Check out the wicked 16 banks of ECC RAMs with their own heat sinks!

And the slot load optical drive!

No wonder these babies won the best 1U rack server of the year award! Visually, it can almost rival the XServe. Almost.

Now all is left for us to harness these powers... is to find me some damn power/KVM cords and power them up!