Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Azure Information Protection client getting wrong policies

Hi all,

While preparing for the Azure Information Protection demo, I noticed that the Azure IP client is "stuck" to my production Azure tenant, and will not download the configured policy in my demo tenant, I have done the following to no avail:

  1. Sign out from Office 365 ProPlus apps,
  2. Delete the registry keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\MSIPC\
  3. Reinstalled Azure IP client

None of which seem to have worked. Then I followed everything on and the bit that got it working was:

From an Office application: On the Home tab, in the Protection group, select Protect, and then select Help and Feedback.

Click on Reset Settings -  signs out the user, deletes the currently downloaded Azure Information Protection policy, and resets the user settings for the Azure Rights Management service.

Right after restarting the Office application, you may or may not get prompted to sign into the Azure IP service - depending on your single sign on scenario. Right after that, the correct policies should be downloaded.