Tuesday, March 01, 2016

TMG 2010 - Error when importing configuration

Before we start, please read the large disclaimer:

I do not know what is the implication of performing these steps on a production TMG 2010 server/array, so please make sure you backup everything before doing this!

OK, back to business.

Have you every tried to restore a TMG backup (right cick on Array/Server > Import (Restore)) and received the following error message?

Error: 0xc0040411 - The file cannot be imported because the array is of version 2010SP2 in the exported file and version 2008 in the stored configuration.

You have already done the following with no avail:

  • Checked that the patch level is the same from the XML file and the destination TMG 2010 server
  • Make sure that you have chosen "Overwrite (restore)" option
  • Untick "import server-specific information"

There is one more thing you can try. You can tweak the following lines in the XML file, and lower the version number. For my case, I changed "4" to "2" and the import worked, e.g:

Again, I am not sure what implication of lowering the CompatibilityVersion number, and I urge you to test it out before going production. Hopefully this will help someone in the future.

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